Notes for Day 4

Design site on your own computer, duplicate it on a server so that it can be provided to everybody else.
port 5500 - default port for liver server extension.
Set up DNS, We assume that DNS takes the domain name and links it to an IP address
DNS- Domain Name Service
We'll install filezilla, this program will have a window that shows our hardrive and our directory on a server. It will allow us to drag and drop files onto the server directory.
internet protocol assigns each computer a unique ip address.
the internet is hardwar not the same thing as web
each page has its own unique URL
html document is just a collection of elements.
elements can have attributes to change their behavior
anchor tag provides links to a new page
body for the content the user sees
media query gives you info about the device displaying the page
script tag is for adding javascript
defer attributes is preferble so j.s. only runs after all the code has been parsed
javascript handles events obviously
node.js server side run time based on javascript
node uses same engine as chrome
package is also called a module,
json - data interchange format undestood by most languages
database - you need somewhere to store all the date
most apps are containerized with docker
might host your app on decentralized blockchain named Web3

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